Feminist Freedom Warriors
Feminist Freedom Warriors
Zillah Eisenstein


Zillah Eisenstein is Distinguished Scholar in Residence at Ithaca College, where she held the position of Professor of Politics for thirty-five years. Zillah’s writing as a political theorist and activist encompasses diverse yet interconnected issues focusing on women’s differences and building coalitions across, for example, the black/white divide in the US, the struggles of Serb and Muslim women in the war in Bosnia, the relationship between socialists and feminists in union organizing; the struggles against extremist fundamentalisms in Egypt and Afghanistan; the needs of women workers in India, the work conditions of young women in the Foxconn factories in China, and the organizing of migrant women workers in Indonesia.

 Zillah has also written extensively on the rise of neoliberalism in the US and around the world. Through her writing she has recorded the demise of liberal democracy, inquiring in depth into the growth of militarist and imperial globalization. Zillah is the editor of Capitalist Patriarchy and the Case for Socialist Feminism (1978), and has written ten books, including The Audacity of Races and Genders: A Personal and Global Story of the Obama Campaign (2009), Sexual Decoys, Gender, Race and War in Imperial Democracy (2007), Against Empire (2007) and Manmade Breast Cancers (2001). Zillah currently writes for AlJazeera.com and FeministWire.com.