Feminist Freedom Warriors
Feminist Freedom Warriors
Mara Viveros Vigoya


Mara Viveros Vigoya is an anthropologist and Associate Professor at the Department of Anthropology and the School of Gender Studies at the Universidas Nacional de Colombia.  Her research interests include issues related to the relationship between social differences and inequalities, intersections of gender, sexuality, class, race and ethnicity in the social dynamics of Latin American societies.

 Mara has participated in the Colombian feminist movement since 1981 in different ways: as militant, as student, as professor, fighting against the androcentric orientation of social sciences at the University and defending the project of the School of Gender Studies not only as a site of production of critical knowledge but also a place to promote spaces of convergence and synergies with social and feminist movements. Mara has authored several articles in Spanish and English including “Notes Concerning the Analytical Category of Gender” (2000), “Contemporary Latin American Perspectives on Masculinity” (2001), “Dionysian Blacks: Sexuality, Body, and Racial Order in Colombia” (2002) and “The Sexualization of Race and Racialization of Sexuality in the Current Latin American Context” (2010). She has also co-authored the books Women, Men and Other Fictions: Gender and Sexuality in Latin America (2006) and Gender, Women and Knowledge in Latin America (2007).